Our MISsion

Our mission is to make a difference as we love God and love people.


Somebody once said, “A real friend warms you by his presence, trusts you with his secrets, and remembers you in his prayers." 

The truth is, we have many different kinds of friends in life and in church. Some we know very well, while others are simply acquaintances we pass in the hallway. Some we call for help while others we are unsure of their name.

One of the great benefits of being in a church is the genuine friends that are developed over time. We learn to love and like each other as we go through the paces of life. We share in each other’s ups and downs and grow closer in the process. We lend a helping hand or a listening ear and we open our hearts up to others. The end result is a growing, caring, sharing community of people all on the same journey with Jesus.

If you are looking for a place for friendship and worship, we would love to walk your journey with you.

Together in Christ,

Trinity Church of the Nazarene

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