Adult Ministries

We are interested in the spiritual, emotional, and relational growth of every adult. Whether single or married, white collar or blue collar, young or old, there are many opportunities for personal development.


Women’s Ministries


Women's Ministries at Trinity Nazarene has a multi-faceted purpose:

To encourage and support women as we fulfill our various roles.

To reach out to our community.

To minister to those inside and outside the church.

To offer opportunities for spiritual and relational growth.

We believe that every woman is God-designed, purpose-intended, significant, and lavishly loved by God. No matter your age, your status, your style, or whether you think you have it all together or not, you belong to our Faith Family as a cherished Sister-in-Christ!

We desire for the women of Trinity to grow together, learn from each other, and experience life together. You are NOT alone on this journey through all of life's stages.

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Men’s Ministries


The Trinity men’s ministry team is focused on fellowship, family, community outreach, and the Trinity facility. Just hanging out together and bringing other men and families into a relationship with Jesus Christ is our mission.